Suzanne Nuyen
Nygard, the former CEO of the Canada-based Nygard International, was arrested in Winnipeg on Monday on a U.S request for extradition.
The 83,000 surpasses the previous record from mid-July by about 6,000. In addition, 943 people died from COVID-19 on Friday. Cases of the virus have been rising in the U.S. since mid-September.
Stepien took over Trump's campaign in July and attended the debate on Tuesday. Although Conway no longer works at the White House, she recently attended an event at the Rose Garden.
The former president says Republicans should "apply rules with consistency, and not based on what's convenient or advantageous in the moment."
"My dad's wisdom, generosity, empathy, and humility had a huge influence on people around the world," Gates wrote in a tribute to his father.
In his new book, the Connecticut Democrat outlines the history of the Second Amendment and gun violence. While solutions are big and comprehensive, Murphy says the U.S. is poised to turn a corner.
A statement posted to the actor's Twitter on Friday said Boseman had battled colon cancer for the last four years.
The decision to imprison Brenton Tarrant for life marks the first time New Zealand has imposed such a sentence.
The storm is expected to have winds of at least 130 mph — a Category 4 storm — when it makes landfall near the Louisiana-Texas border. Its storm surge could be up to 14 feet.
One storm is currently forecast to hit near the Texas-Louisiana border; the other could reach the Florida Panhandle. Two hurricanes hitting the Gulf at once would be unprecedented, experts say.