Sushmita Pathak
Hing is a staple of Indian cuisine, but until now it's been imported into India. Finally, Indian farmers will be growing the herb.
Tens of thousands of Indian farmers are protesting for a ninth straight day. They accuse the government of using the coronavirus crisis to push through market-based changes without consulting them.
Folks in other countries have figured out ways to hold a safe traditional celebration at a time of quarantines and lockdowns. Here are a few hacks they've devised.
New Delhi has some of the dirtiest air in the world, and smog is complicating COVID-19 cases. The upcoming sparkler-filled holiday of Diwali is expected to make air quality even worse.
Local sources say there's been a spike in child marriage during the pandemic. A key reason: By marrying off girls early, poor families have one less mouth to feed in desperate times.
New confirmed cases in India have been dropping recently. But the Hindu festival season, local elections and seasonal air pollution are raising concerns that the virus could surge again.
The nation's confirmed coronavirus infections exceed 4.2 million, overtaking Brazil, with 4.1 million. The worst-affected country remains the U.S., far ahead with nearly 6.3 million cases.
Mumbai officials get creative to allow devotees to celebrate the elephant-headed god safely, even as virus cases surge in other parts of India.
The 1992 destruction of the Babri mosque in Ayodhya by Hindu extremists sparked riots that killed thousands of Muslims, leaving a deep rift between the country's religious communities.
India has been breaking its own record for new cases almost every day. Only the United States and Brazil have more confirmed cases, and India is slowly climbing toward Brazil's figures.