Dirk VanderHart
In 2021, states will redraw voting district lines to redistribute political power. In many places, the fight over where lines fall is expected to be bitter and partisan.
Oregon Sues Federal Agencies For Grabbing Up Protesters Off The StreetsProtests continued in Oregon's largest city through Saturday night.
Republican lawmakers in Oregon have walked off the job. They're refusing to meet in the state capitol as the Democratic-controlled legislature seeks to take up a climate change bill.
On the fifth day the Republican state senators have skipped the session in protest over a cap-and-trade bill, the Senate's Democratic president said the bill would expire in the Senate chamber.
Senate Republicans in Oregon have refused to come to the Capitol, denying the legislature the quorum needed to vote on a cap-and-trade bill. The state police has been sent to retrieve them.
Senate Republicans in Oregon are refusing to come to the capitol, denying the legislature the quorum needed to vote on a cap-and-trade bill. The governor has sent the state police to retrieve them.
More than 10 states are considering tightening their vaccine laws in response to what health officials say is the worst year for measles in 25 years. The bills are spurring passionate opposition.
Algae has long posed a potential health threat to swimmers and boaters; now it's threatening water supplies. State regulations are starting to address it.